Company details for:

PolarSeal Tapes and Conversions


PolarSeal Tapes and Conversions Ltd Guildford Road Trading Estate Farnham Surrey GU9 9PZ,
Outside US,
GU9 9PZ,
United Kingdom

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About us

PolarSeal provides unrivalled support as your trusted contract manufacturer in all areas of medical material conversion to co-devleop medical devices. By partnering with us, we'll be able to take your ideas from inital concept, right through to end-product. By utilising the latest and most state-of-the-art technology the possibilites are endless in finding the right medical device and wound care solution for you. Our depth and breasth of experience in this field over the last 30 years is unmatched with a variety of options to suit the needs of our clients from medical contract packing, material lamination and wound care contract manufacturing, right through to smart wearble patch soltuions.
PolarSeal Tapes and Conversions Website

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