Company details for Pringle PCS

Pringle PCS

  • +44 (Display number) +44 1142813350
Skywalker House
18a Darnall Road
Sheffield South Yorkshire S9 5AB United Kingdom

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About us

Pringle Computer Systems Limited is a dynamic Sheffield based training company, set up originally as a partnership by Jamie and Simon Pringle in 1994. PCS have been providing their clients with creative and cost effective solutions and services. Pringle PCS specialise in the development and training of people from many industrial backgrounds and many roles within an organisation.

We help any organisation identify and strengthen their skills and knowledge base. As a result, PCS now have an established UK base of over 300 clients, ranging from Multi National plc’s to local small developing companies, across multiple industry sectors. We are proud to be able to offer a comprehensive range of products and services:

  • IT Training
  • Business Skills Training
  • Health & Safety Training
  • Online Training
  • Microsoft Office Training
  • Firstaid training

At PCS our main focus is to identify and meet our clients real business needs, so that they can get the maximum return on their investment. Regardless of size, budget or complexity, our highly experienced team provide our clients with the best, most cost effective solution available.

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