Company details for Pro Servicing Ltd

Pro Servicing Ltd

  • 0845 (Display number) 0845 643 2168
Unit 5, Station Industrial Estate
Station Industrial Estate
Oxford Road
Wokingham Berkshire RG41 2YQ United Kingdom

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About us

With over 30 years of experience, Pro Servicing is a leading provider of acoustic partition maintenance solutions in the UK. Our comprehensive services include maintenance, repairs, installation, and servicing for acoustic movable walls and sliding folding partitions. Safety is our top priority, and we offer system operation training to ensure maximum safety for your staff. Our innovative solutions cater to various applications, from high acoustic partitions to vinyl concertinas.

Additionally, we have the expertise to replace panel faces using a variety of colours, ensuring one hundred per cent customer satisfaction. If you have any specific requirements, feel free to contact us! 

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