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Benefits of ISO Standards & ISO Certification

Benefits of ISO Standards & ISO Certification

There is a vast amount that can be said here. We have tried to compartmentalise this by dividing our response into the answers of specific questions. If you feel we have missed something or want a more personalised answer, please feel free to contact us directly.
Designing & Creating an ISO Standard System

Designing & Creating an ISO Standard System

Having decided that you want to go for Certification and reap the benefits of having an ISO Standard the next step we can help with is to ensure you get the systems that work most smoothly for you while still attain the Certification you seek.

The right design of ISO management system will ensure that the impact on your operations will be both minimally disruptive (because we ensure we change no more than we have to and keep your existing procedures wherever possible) and will yield the maximum effect (by addressing the key features that will make the greatest difference to your operations over time). This process involves discussions between your team and our Qualitator consultant until all are happy that the optimum approach has been determined.
Internal Audits

Internal Audits

What is the Internal Audit?

This is one of the prescribed procedures within the ISO Standards. It requires that periodic reviews of the operation of all procedures take place − in such a way that discrepancies can be identified and appropriate action taken. The logic is that if the ISO Standards require the procedures to be followed and have been certified on that basis, then there needs to be a check to ensure this continues to be the case.

The purpose is to allow the organisation itself to get into the habit of checking what it does on a regular basis. Audits may uncover that the activities being undertaken are not what are written into the procedures. This may or may not be a bad thing − and changes should be made to bring them back in line with each other: either the activities be changed to match the procedures OR the procedures changed to match the activities. This latter case would imply that an improvement has been identified that needs to be brought into official use. This therefore forms part of how the organisation demonstrates continual improvement and advances in efficiency, effectiveness and skill-set.
Management Reviews

Management Reviews

What is the Management Review?

The Management Review is a requirement under the ISO Standards that forms parts of the checks and balances built into the operation of the system to ensure it progresses going forwards. The Management Review involves checking over all the procedures to ensure that they are all still correct and up to date and to see whether any changes proposed during the previous period have been correctly and successfully applied. The Management Review also looks at a range of other inputs to determine how well the organisation is operating: staff feedback, customer feedback, assessors feedback (ISO assessors, financial auditors, other client audit teams etc), other stakeholder feedback (shareholders, locals, suppliers) and finally the internal audit feedback. All of this input should then be considered alongside the key remaining driver: Board goals for the next period. By combining the feedback and goals, the new changes to be made to the procedures can be identified − and thus can be carried out. This will incorporate all the necessary changes to the procedures so that in the subsequent period, the organisation will operate according to the new procedures and have reacted to the feedback as needed.

The Management Review is thus the key component of managing the organisation’s development. It allows the changes needed to drive the organisation forward to be incorporated into the revised procedures so that staff get clear instructions on what to do differently − otherwise there tends to be an announcement from the Board that something will change henceforth, but no further indication of what needs to be done differently − with the obvious result that nothing changes at all.
Rescue Service

Rescue Service

What does the Rescue Service cover?

Qualitation uses this term to mean those occasions when an organisation finds itself in a fix and needs assistance to get itself clear:

Your ISO Standards manager fell under a bus and you suddenly realise your systems need to be ready for recertification shortly
You had forgotten you needed to get an ISO Standard to enable you to continue working with your key customer and they have just reminded you that you have less than a month to get something sorted or they go elsewhere
You discover that your ISO system records have all vanished into the ether after your server was affected by a flood and you don’t know how to recover the situation and/or prevent this happening in the future
You have had a fire, and while your systems are in order, no one can spare a minute for the forthcoming assessment so you need it delayed

… No doubt you get the gist!
Pre-Assessment Reviews

Pre-Assessment Reviews

What is the Pre-Assessment Review?

Some organisations like to develop and/or run their ISO Systems themselves. This usually means that buy-in from the rest of the organisation is strong and the resultant systems are very fit-for-purpose so far as the organisation’s operational needs are concerned. However, it does not necessarily mean that they are confident of their ability of the ISO systems to meet the ISO Standard’s requirements. In these circumstances, organisations might call in someone to carry out a Pre-Assessment Review − ie a look at their ISO Systems and procedures prior to the official assessment to ensure they have covered everything correctly and will not be embarrassed with a failure at the assessment time.
Post-Assessment Assistance

Post-Assessment Assistance

What is Post-Assessment Assistance? How does the process of Post-Assessment Assistance work? Why is Post-Assessment Assistance important?

This is a service we provide to organisations that have had their own in-house generated systems assessed and the resultant list of non-conformances (major and minor) together with other observations has left them requiring assistance to sort things out. It usually means that the in-house team is not as strong as they thought they were, but it can also relate to sudden loss of a key member, illness, other distracting longer term problems and so forth.
This involves the consultant reviewing the points raised by the assessor and working through what needs to be done to address them one by one. It should be pointed out that there is leeway for two professionals in the ISO Standards field (one assessor and one consultant) to disagree with the approach adopted by the other (and this too can be a reason that an assessor disagrees with the work of the in-house ISO Systems personnel). Ultimately the assessor holds the power so short of changing certifier, there is often little to be done but enact what they suggest − although how this is done can vary to suit the organisation perhaps.

To combat this professional difference issue, it is often suggested that the consultant attend the next assessment to explain what has been done and argue the case on behalf of the organisation to ensure that any overly keen/pedantic assessor is “reassured/persuaded” that things are now under control. Let us know if we can help − contact us.
ISO Standards

ISO Standards

Finding the correct ISO certification for your organisation can be a minefield. More than 20,000 ISO Standards exist.

That’s why we’ve arranged them into a handy list so that you can select your industry then quickly discover more information about the ISO standards that apply to your workplace.
Managing Growth & Efficiency

Managing Growth & Efficiency

Qualitation views the improvement of an organisations abilities so that it can outperform its past and benefit from applying improvements over time, as an extension of the lessons learned from ISO Business Management Systems. As such the activities we undertake, and which are shown in this section are an extension of the activities required to complete ISSO System adoption. Performing these extended activities will further enhance the organisation’s abilities to outdistance its competition and to improve on its past time after time.

About us

Since 1998, Qualitation has been dedicated to helping companies across the UK implement ISO standards.

We offer ISO audit services, guidance on ISO standards, training, and structured progress reviews. Our primary goal is to drive financial returns and foster business growth and efficiency by facilitating the adoption of ISO standards.

Our ISO consultants, referred to as Qualitators, are selected for their industry expertise, extensive ISO knowledge, and keen attention to detail. We will match you with the ideal Qualitator for your business, who will serve as your mentor and guide, ensuring you achieve ISO certification on your first attempt.

Qualitation covers a comprehensive range of standards to support diverse industry needs. These include ISO 9001 for Quality Management, ISO 14001 for Environmental Management, ISO 45001 for Health & Safety, ISO 13485 for Medical Devices, ISO 15189 for Medical Laboratory Competence, and ISO 17025 for Laboratory Competence. For data security, Qualitation offers ISO 27001, with an ISO 17601 GDPR add-on to enhance data protection. Additionally, they cover standards tailored for specialised sectors: AS9100 for Aviation, Space, and Defense Manufacturing; AS9110 for Maintenance and Repair in these fields; and AS9120 for the Component Supply Chain. Cyber Essentials certification and ISO 50001 for Energy Management are also available to meet modern security and sustainability requirements.

Our Services Include:

Advice on ISO Standards

There is a great deal to discuss on this topic. We have organised our response by addressing specific questions. If you believe we have overlooked anything or would like a more tailored response, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us directly.

Design, Creation and Installation of ISO Standards
Once you decide to pursue certification and enjoy the advantages of an ISO standard, the next step we can assist with is ensuring you implement systems that function efficiently while still achieving the certification you desire.

Internal Audit Assistance
Typically, the auditor examines one procedure within the ISO standard at a time. They assess the requirements of that procedure and prepare a set of questions to evaluate its appropriateness. Ideally, these questions should differ from those used in the previous audit. However, if a non-compliance issue was identified, it should be revisited in the next audit to verify that corrective measures have been implemented.

Management Reviews
The Management Review is a crucial element in guiding the organisation’s development. It enables necessary changes to be integrated into updated procedures, providing staff with clear directions on what actions to take. Without this process, announcements from the Board about impending changes may occur without clear guidance on what specifically needs to be done differently, often resulting in no actual change.

Training Courses
Qualitation is pleased to offer a variety of training courses that cover numerous disciplines within the business improvement sector. These courses are conducted by specialists in their respective fields and can take place at your organisation, at our training facilities, or at other appropriate locations throughout the country.

… And more.

The ISO system comprises a set of top operational procedures and practices adopted by companies worldwide. A business that operates under ISO principles is, by definition, considered world-class.

For over twenty years, we have assisted organisations in improving their processes, performance, and customer satisfaction. We firmly believe that implementing an ISO quality management system yields significant advantages for businesses.

ISO certification offers concrete benefits, ensuring that the effort invested in obtaining the certification yields valuable returns. With improved input, the output also increases. That’s why our skilled and experienced team of Qualitators is prepared to partner with you on the path to a more profitable future, regardless of your industry or business size.




Trade Associations

TUV Nord ISO 9001 UKAS Management Systems Logo
Lloyd''s Register Logo
BSI Associate Consultant Logo
British Assessment Bureau Logo

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