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Rocburn Ltd

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Unit 5,
Sutton Park,
Sutton Road,
SS2 5NX,
United Kingdom

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Products / Services

Smoke Control Systems

Smoke Control Systems

‘Smoke Control’ is a term used to describe the designing and installation of systems that should effectively extract smoke from a building in the event of a fire occurring. The aim of this is to ensure protection of people, property and assets while making access for fire fighters as clear and safe as possible.

A well designed smoke control system should:

- Protect the occupants within the building
- Ensure access and escape routes are kept smoke free
- Facilitate fire-fighting efforts and operations
- Reduce the risk of the fire developing further by delaying or preventing flashover
- Protect the contents of the building
- Aid in reducing risk of damage to buildings

At Rocburn Limited, we’re passionate about making both domestic and commercial buildings as safe for all occupants and fire fighters so our smoke ventilation and smoke control systems are governed by standards such as BS EN12101 and Approved Document B. We provide a wide range to smoke control systems, smoke ventilation equipment and coupled with our expert advice you will be best placed to ensure you are protected.

Read our Smoke Ventilation Project Overview to gain a better understanding of how we can help you and check out just some of the smoke control systems and ventilation equipment we offer.

If you have any questions of would like to discuss your requirements with one of our experts you can call us on 0845 519 0560 or 01702 826 267, email us at or use the contact form below and we will call you back.
Cold Smoke Ventilation Purpose

Cold Smoke Ventilation Purpose

A smoke vent system is used to give a clear escape route in a multi occupancy building, these can either be single zone systems for a stairwell or more complex multi zone systems where lobby areas would need to activate in conjunction with the stairwell to clear the escape route of smoke.

These systems are designed to comply to EN 12101 standards and have battery back up so will open the vent(s) in the event of a power failure.
Free Vent Area Calculation

Free Vent Area Calculation

In order to clear the smoke at the correct rate, the recommended free vent area you need to achieve from your window or windows is:
Stairwell Windows: 1mtr square free vent area at 90 degrees from the opening vent.
Lobby Windows: 1.5mtr square free vent area at 90 degrees from the opening vent.
Electric Window Openers

Electric Window Openers

We offer a range of electric window openers, automatic window openers, single chain openers, twin chain openers for larger windows requiring two push points and linear actuators for rooflites and large heavy windows.
Can’t find what you’re looking for?

Don’t worry, this is just a small sample of the range of products we stock, contact us today for more information.
ACK4 Chain Actuator 230v or 24v

ACK4 Chain Actuator 230v or 24v

The most popular of our openers, the ACK4 Chain Actuators are manufactured in Italy by TOPP movement

This motor is used widely in both domestic and commercial property

As this chain drive has a sealed motor and IP55 rated it can be used on skylights and roof vents where there is a risk of rain

The ACK4 is also particularly popular in conservatories and orangeries where they can be used with temperature control panels and rain sensors, these manage the temperature all day without the worry rain getting in when you are out of the house

Easy to fit with bracket options to suit all types of windows & adjustable from 100 − 400mm in 50mm increments

Choose ACK42 230v or ACK44 24v Motor Chain Window Opener

If you have any questions or need technical advice please call us and a member of the team will help you.

ACK4 Actuator Key Features

- Suits Top Hung, Side Hung Or Roof Vent Windows From 200mm Tall (From Opening Edge To Hinges)
- Single Chain Opener Suits Windows Up To 1500mm Wide
- Powerful 300N push & Pull Force (30kg)
- Easy Stroke Adjustment from 100 − 400mm Stroke
- Less Than 300mm Long To Suit Smaller Window Widths
- High IP55 Protection Against Impact And Water
- Easy Fitting With Brackets For All Applications
- Acoustic Buzzer To Warn Of Incorrect Fitting
- Robust Diecast Body Particulary Suited To Schools And High Use Areas
Venset Electric Window Opener

Venset Electric Window Opener

If you are fitting a hard to reach window or skylight, why not offer the Venset electric window opener?

Why Use Electric Window Openers?

The Venset electric window openers are designed in Denmark and proved popular for a cost effective solution for windows in hard to reach places

These can be particularly useful to the elderly or less able where either a well located panel switch can be used or a remote control which can operate up to 5 windows together or individually

Typical applications are windows above desks or over kitchen work surfaces, windows obscured by blinds, loft conversions with skylights, window high up on landings and over staircases

Electric window openers are used in the home, office, schools, care homes, in conservatories or orangaries

Key Points
- Suits outward opening windows including skylight windows such as Velux & Fakro
- Suits top hung fanlight windows over 400mm high
- Openers are easy to fit in under 30mins − no need for wiring, just plug into a mains socket (we currently use a 2 pin to 3 pin adaptor which is supplied in the kit)
- This opener can operate windows up to 160cm wide (over 80cm requires 2 operators)
- Face fix brackets available for windows with a small frame depth (from 0-49mm)
- Remote contol panel with a keyfob so you can operate your window opener from anywhere up to 5 windows together or separately
- All window openers are CE marked and come with a 2 year electrical warranty & a 5 year metal finish warranty
- Attractive and compact design provides a stylish upgrade to traditional manual window openers which are easy to install

For More Information Contact Us Whatever Your Requirement
Kato KS30/40 Window Opener

Kato KS30/40 Window Opener

This slim line window motor is an ideal opener for domestic and commercial applications for high level and hard to reach windows.

Easy to fit & adjustable stroke from 110 − 400 mm opening distance.

Key Features
- Suits Windows From 200mm Tall (From Opening Edge To Hinges)
- Powerful 300N push & pull force (30Kg)
- Easy Stroke Adjustment from 110 − 400mm Stroke
- 1000N Locking force
- Low current draw of 0.12 amp
- Load cut off switch
- Easy Fitting with Simple Template (10min per motor)
- Soft close feature to eliminate damage to window seals
- All brackets provided inward / outward / cill mounting

Kato Radio
- Built In Receiver So Less Wiring Required
- 30 Channel Remote
- Control 30 Single Actuators Individually

Kato Syncro
- Built In Synchroniser
- Connect Up To 8 Actuators On The Same Vent
Topp C20 Chain Actuator 230v or 24v

Topp C20 Chain Actuator 230v or 24v

The C20 opener is a more cost effective opener which is popular with rooflight companies to automate rooflight windows
- Adjustable to either 240 − 360mm Opening
- Slimline profile for a more discrete option
- Brackets to suit Velux / Facro Roof Windows
- Available in White, Black, Grey Finish
C20 Actuator Key Features
- Suits Top Hung, Side Hung Or Roof Vent Windows
- Single Chain Opener Suits Windows Up To 1500mm Wide
- Powerful 300N push 200N Pull Force
- Easy Stroke Adjustment Either 250 or 380mm Stroke
- Robust Plastic Case
- Double Insulated Wiring
- Double Link Chain

Axa RV-2900 Wire Free Remote Control Window Opener

Axa RV-2900 Wire Free Remote Control Window Opener

This attractive window opener manufactured in Holland is ideal for top hung windows where a wire free or plug in solution is required
With a maximum opening of 130mm this unit can be operated by remote control
Simple to fit without the need for wiring although there is an optional adaptor should you prefer
With a battery life of up to 12 months this is an ideal solution for domestic situations
Sliding Sash Window Openers

Sliding Sash Window Openers

Single, Twin and Hidden Sash Window Kits
Sliding Sash window openers to suit traditional timber sash windows
These openers can be either surface mounted or hidden within the frame of the sash window replacing the sash weight on one side

Window Opening distances:
from 200mm through to 1000mm depending on the size of your window
Control your sliding sash window by
- Wall Switch
- Handheld Remote Control
- Automatically For Smoke Ventilation
Keep a traditional look in your property and control your sliding sash window without the cost of a replacment window
Max Electric Linear Actuator

Max Electric Linear Actuator

- Electric Linear Window Actuator
- Typically For Roof Vents And Domes
- 300mm or 500mm Opening Stroke
- IP65 For High Environmental Protection
- Powerful Motor For Heavy Windows 450N (For 300mm) 350N (For 500mm)
- Quite Operation
- Complete With End Bracket and Optional Slide Bracket
Rack Electric Linear Actuator

Rack Electric Linear Actuator

- Linear Electic Actuator
- Available In 230v and 24v Options
- Typically For Roof Vents And Domes
- Opening Stroke Options, 180mm, 350mm, 550mm, 750mm or 1000mm
- IP55 For High Environmental Protection
- Very Powerful Motor 650N or 350N For 1000mm
- Low Noise Operation
- End Brackets Or Slide Bracket Options
Automatic Greenhouse or Conservatory Window Openers

Automatic Greenhouse or Conservatory Window Openers

Temperature activated, these window openers are typically used in greenhouses and conservatories to automatically keep them at the right temperature.

XL Budget Information
This is a budget “clip-on” model competitively priced
- Lifting a load of up to 5.5kg (12lbs)
- Maximum opening of approximately 12″.
The unit measures 11″ in length and is supplied in satin anodised finish only.
We offer a two gaurentee against faulty manufacture. They are designed and tested to last for many years and are fully serviceable.
Please note that additional parts may be required to fit XL autovents to Halls, or Robinsons greenhouses please contact us for details at
Automatic Greenhouse or Conservatory Window Openers

Automatic Greenhouse or Conservatory Window Openers

MK7 Standard Information
Designed for aluminium or timber framed vents measuring up to 60cm square (2ft square)
- Lifting a load of up to 6kg (14lbs)
- Maximum opening distance of 12 inches (30cm)
- Can be set to start opening at approx. 55F (12º).
- Supplied with full fixing kit and instructions.
The standard Mk 7 autovent is supplied in a satin anodised finish but is also available epoxy powder coated white, green or brown to special order
Automatic Greenhouse or Conservatory Window Openers

Automatic Greenhouse or Conservatory Window Openers

MK7 Super Information
Similar in design to the Mk 7 model but larger
This model is suitable for opening heavy double glazed conservatory and greenhouse vents
- 15½” overall length
- MK7 Super has a unique, ultra strong, finned aluminium power tube
- Internal and external finns to give more efficient heat exchange between the wax inside the tube and the surrounding air.
- It opens a vent exerting a load of up to 15.9 kg (35lbs) approx.
15 inches at full stretch
- Operates between 60F (16C) and 75F (25C).
- Available epoxy powder coated white or brown as standard
Manual Winding Gear

Manual Winding Gear

Manual remote opening systems can operate single or multiple high level windows by using a remote handle within reach.

Often referred to as Teleflex winders which is actually an old brand name, there are actually several brands available such as Highline, Ultraflex Control Systems (USC) Ottelli Ricardo amongst the most popular options.

All of these systems look very similar in design, and work on the same principles, many of the parts are interchangeable so call us for advice.

Manual winding gear window openers can be fitted to most types of windows:

- Side hung
- Top hung
- Bottom Hung Open In or Out
- Skylight and Roof Windows

Suitable for both commercial and domestic applications, manual openers are traditionally used in schools but can be used in buildings for a cost effective solution where wiring is not always an option.
What Are Manual Folding Window Openers?

What Are Manual Folding Window Openers?

Also known as Overcentre Camstays

Folding openers (overcentre camstays) are designed for top hung open out windows and are a cost effective and secure alternative to electric and manual window openers for outward opening casement windows

There is a vast range of options available, manufactured to suit your specific window profile and frame dimensions

There is a product to suit all window materials and environment whether your window is timber, uPVC or aluminium construction

Folding window openers are well suited to schools, hospitals, care homes and sheltered housing as well as offices and domestic situations where the windows are hard to reach or out of reach

- Single or tandem openers connected by a pole can be supplied for wider windows
- Operated either by hand or pole when the windows are high level
- Supplied as standard in anodised aluminium, or a powder coated finish can be supplied
Traditional Window Openers

Traditional Window Openers

A traditional window opener or screwjack is threaded brass rod that when twisted using an opener pole or handle extends to open your window or roof vent. Screwjacks are particularly popular in conservatories, orangeries and skylight windows on a pitched roof but are also used in other situations such as flat roof vents and low level windows on a vertical wall.

With various lengths and bracket options you can select the most appropriate screwjack to suit your window so whether you are looking to install new openers, or need a replacement opener or winder pole you can find your solution here.
Smoke Vent Roof Hatches

Smoke Vent Roof Hatches

Rocburn supply a range of roof vents for smoke ventilation (AOV) systems

Roof vents are used for natural smoke ventilation in stairwells to provide a clear means of escape

Roof vents come in a range of sizes, the most popular option for is the 1050mm x 1050mm option achieving a 1mtr square geometric free vent area and 1050mm x 1650mm to achieve 1.5mtr square geometric free vent area

Our roof hatches can also be used of occasional access as we supply with an offset motor

Dome lids are triple skin & can be supplied in clear and opaque finish & our smoke vent kit prices provide a very competitive solution for smoke ventilation

Our hatches and skylights are all fully compliant and tested to EN12010-2

If you have any specific roof vents requirements, for example you prefer glazed roof vents or skylight AOV windows please get in touch as we supply a range of options for your smoke vent needs
Smoke Vent Windows

Smoke Vent Windows

Fully compliant windows for smoke ventilation in stairwells and lobby areas of multi-story buildings such as flats or apartment buildings

Smoke vent windows are a popular option where the building layout doesn’t allow for roof vents or internal smoke shafts to vent smoke in the stairwell or lobby areas

The smoke vent windows we supply are high quality, custom made aluminium and double glazed smoke vent windows, they are tested to BS EN 12101-2, CE and UKCA marked so offer a fully compliant window

Because our smoke vent windows are custom made, the window sizes and appearance can vary depending your needs and how they would best fit in your existing windows

We can powder coated to match your existing windows to help blend in with the building, even if that means a different finish inside to outside for example

There are other modification you can make to our windows, such as dummy mullions for example to give it appearance you want

Our smoke vent windows can be supplied in a size to suit with the aim of achieving the free vent area you need for your building which would be 1mtr square free vent area for your stairwell and 1.5mtr square for the lobbies

For more information get in touch with us to discuss your smoke vent requirements, we have supplied smoke vent equipment to 1000’s of customers for a wide range of projects so we can help find the best and most cost effective smoke vent solution for you

Smoke Shaft Doors

Smoke Shaft Doors

Smoke shaft doors are designed to provide smoke ventilation in the lobby of multi occupancy buildings

A vertical smoke shaft must be closed at the base, have a minimum cross sectional area of 1.5mtrs Square, with a minimum of 0.85m in any direction

The smoke shaft must have an opening in the roof at least 0.5m above any surrounding structures with a horizontal distance of 2mtrs and it must extend at least 2.5mtrs above the ceiling of the highest story served by the smoke shaft

A smoke shaft door is designed to open in the event of a fire & vent any smoke in the lobby up and out of either a roof hatch of louvre at the top of the shaft providing a clear escape route

Our smoke shaft doors are tested to EN12101-2 and can be incorporated into a smoke vent system to provide lobby ventilation, usually in conjunction with a stairwell roof hatch

The regulations now often call for ‘Lock out’ which would mean the fire floor smoke shaft door would open along with the relevant stairwell roof vent and all other floors would remain closed

Our smoke shaft doors can be provided with grilles to cover the opening & also an optional fall arrest cage to prevent anyone falling into the smoke shaft if there is no other fall prevention in place

Please call us to discuss your smoke ventilation in your building

About us

Window opener and ventilation specialists Rocburn Ltd are your no.1 choice for window openers and ventilation equipment. We are the fastest growing electric and manual window opening and vent specialist offering a wide range of standard and bespoke items to help with ventilation. Rocburn also stock a wide range of safety accessories such as automatic smoke detectors for smoke ventilation.

As a specialist in the window opener industry, Rocburn can offer a wide range of manual and electric window opening solutions for superior ventilation. No matter whether you are looking for a window opener for a skylight, Velux window, conservatory window or sash window, in fact any window where you require ventilation, our range of manual and automatic openers can help.

Rocburn can help with both domestic and commercial applications for;

  • Automatic smoke ventilation systems
  • Chain and Linear window openers
  • Greenhouse window openers
  • Manual window openers
  • Plug in electric window openers
  • Fitting and repair service for window openers

We have unrivalled experience in manual window openers, greenhouse window openers, electric window openers, plug in window openers and smoke ventilation solutions, we even offer a full fitting and repair service.

Our range of window openers are suitable for home and corporate use, catering for schools, hospital, libraries and leisure centres. We can help in any public sector property where ventilation is paramount. We work with you to accommodate your individual requirements.

For hard to reach windows, then our range of innovative electric and manual window openers are a must. All our window openers offer the latest technology including wind and rain sensors ensuring the window is closed when it needs to be.

Rocburn are passionate about customer service and promise to keep our prices low. Ensuring you have efficient ventilation and window opening solutions in the home or the workplace that suits your budgets.

For more information, please call to speak to one of our advisors to assist you in finding the appropriate window opening and ventilation solution to best meet your requirements. When purchasing from Rocburn you are also given the option to take advantage of our fitting service if required.


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