Company details for Salix Commercial Kitchens & Equipment

Salix Commercial Kitchens & Equipment

  • 0126 (Display number) 01268 530980
Production House
Chester Hall Lane
Basildon Essex SS14 3BG United Kingdom

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About us

We manufacture, advise, and design kitchens, bars and food equipment for UK's leading retailers and London's finest restaurants.

From small family business to the company of choice for high quality, innovative, and efficient commercial kitchens. Thirty years ago, Salix was started as a fabrication business from our founders home county of Essex. They employed just one metalworker and the first job Salix had was to make a panel for the fascia on the front of the Savoy.

Now, Salix employs 40 people and has built up a reputation for designing and manufacturing exceptional commercial kitchens and bars for some of the best-known names in the food and drinks industry.

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