Company details for Sattrix Info Security Ltd

Sattrix Info Security Ltd

  • 0740 (Display number) 07405407984
382 Kenton Road
London Middlesex HA3 8DP United Kingdom

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About us

Sattrix Info Security Ltd is professionally driven & value based, quality-oriented organization. We are pivoted around providing our customers and partners the best of Cybersecurity services. 

We have collaborated and worked with diverse range of industries such as BFSI, Retail, TELCO, Government, Oil and Gas and ITIS worldwide. 

Sattrix Info Security Ltd helps small, mid and large enterprises in digital transformation which thrive in a continuously changing period. We offer advance Managed Services, Cloud Security consulting, and InfoSec Consulting services to create new avenues for our valuable customers. 

We don’t only make absolute sense to your business but do so in a way that is customized by none other than you. And because we rely purely on our expertise to deliver a solution, no constraint is really a deal breaker- be it remote, onsite or hybrid solution deployment or the complexity associated with it; we are ready to walk with you in the Cybersecurity journey.

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