Company details for Screed London

Screed London

  • 0737 (Display number) 07376 230038
1 Victoria Avenue
Romford Essex RM5 2QH United Kingdom

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About us

When you choose Screed London to do your work, you can trust our results. For your concrete screed, sand screed, cement screed and all other screeding in London, call us today.
When it comes to screeding in London, Screed London is the company to trust to deliver the results you want. Our professional screeders in London offer a wealth of professional experience which is guaranteed to create flat floors and structural integrity.
Our wide range of services can provide whatever screeding your London premises require. From large scale cement screed work in London’s business premises to floor screed work in London homes, our screeders will work hard to ensure that the work is done on time and on budget.
Whatever your screeding project in London, our team will work closely with you to ensure that you get the best floor screed work for your London property. Whether sand screed, concrete screed or cement screed, your London property floor will be flat, smooth, and stable when we’re done.

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