Company details for:

Store & Secure Self Storage


Houndmills Road,
RG21 6YU,
United Kingdom

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About us

Store & Secure is a self storage company that provides cost-effective self-storage in Bournemouth and Basingstoke. If you are looking for personal or business storage, Store & Secure has a range of secure self storage units to suit your requirements. Our personal storage units are perfect for those at university, going abroad or requiring extra space at home, whilst our business storage units in Bournemouth and Basingstoke are perfect for those with excess stock. Store & Secure as a variety of office accommodation and fully furnished serviced offices in Bournemouth and Basingstoke to suit all businesses. To find out more information on Store & Secure’s range of storage solutions and other services, contact us on 01202 520 220 (Bournemouth) or 01256 444 455 (Basingstoke).
Store & Secure Self Storage Website

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