Company details for The Stone Tile Warehouse

The Stone Tile Warehouse

  • 0162 (Display number) 01622 679157
Acorn Yard
Sutton Road
Langley Kent ME17 3ND United Kingdom

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About us

With 35 Years experience in the tiling industry The Stone Tile Warehouse is your one stop shop for all your tiling needs. With an extensive range of wall and floor tiles for all interior and exterior projects coupled with years of hands on knowledge we are here to help your project run smoothly and successfully.

The Stone Tile Warehouse are also proud to be able to offer an installation service as well as a precision stone cutting service in conjunction with the perfectionists at Southern Adhesives LTD. Thre experts at Southern Adhesives are on hand for everything from cutting your fire hearth to installing your new kitchen and bathroom tiles, it's no wonder we are the first choice for the public and trade.

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