Company details for:

Turun UK Ltd


Fulham Green,
Bedford House,
69-79 Fulham High Street,
SW6 3JW,
United Kingdom

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Products / Services

SURE®  Monitor

SURE® Monitor

This monitor offers the full functionality of a TABS® Monitor with an extra pad socket. The microprocessor and mesh network are capable of providing silent operation and detailed informatics when used with STEALTH® Sensor Pads and a subscription agreement.
SafePresence® Professional

SafePresence® Professional

The attractive, lower-priced upgrade for TABS® Monitors with two pad sockets.
It is capable of monitoring two adjacent beds, or one bed and one chair, simultaneously.
SafePresence® Bathroom

SafePresence® Bathroom

The cost-effective cord and clip monitor for bathrooms. The SafePresence® Bathroom monitor is convenient and accessible when you need it. It is a dedicated solution that stays in the bathroom rather than repeatedly moving existing bed or chair monitors.
STEALTH® Sensor Pads

STEALTH® Sensor Pads

When monitoring for fall risk, use a smart sensor pad that adjusts itself to work under the mattress or cushion.
STEALTH® Under Mattress & Chair Pads provide your patients with better comfort and tissue integrity, as well as improved infection risk management, handling, and productivity.
SafePresence®  14-Day Disposable

SafePresence® 14-Day Disposable

Single patient use sensor pads intended to be discarded after 14 days of use.
This greatly reduces the risk of contamination across use by multiple patients.
SafePresence®  1-Year Sealed

SafePresence® 1-Year Sealed

Sealed antibacterial pads that come with a 1-year limited warranty.
They are ideal for third party integration or used with our fall monitoring solutions.
FallsX®  Monitor

FallsX® Monitor

FallsX® monitors are affordable and easy-to-use systems that alert caregivers when someone at risk for falls leaves a bed or chair. The monitor is designed to help reduce the risk of falls in care homes when the staff has identified a client as a high risk of falling from a bed, chair, toilet, wheelchair, or potentially wandering out of a room at night.
FallsX® InfraRed Monitor

FallsX® InfraRed Monitor

The FallsX® InfraRed Monitor uses infrared detection technology to help reduce the risk of falls. A FallsX InfraRed Bedside monitor is mounted by the bed. When a person at risk for falls leaves the bed, they break the infrared beam and the monitor sounds an alert.
Treadnought® Floor Sensor Pad

Treadnought® Floor Sensor Pad

Our floor sensor connects easily to most nurse call systems or remote sounders and can be placed at the bedside, doorway or other locations to activate the nurse call system when a fall risk resident or patient steps onto the sensor.
LS 2400 System

LS 2400 System

The LS 2400 wander management solution utilizes state of the art technology to deliver the most intelligent, reliable system on the market. It can be utilized as a fully-integrated or stand-alone solution.
LC 1200 System

LC 1200 System

The SaferWalkingTM LC 1200 Departure Alert System is the ideal entry-level wander management solution for facilities seeking quick, cost-effective resident wandering protection.
Wander Wearables

Wander Wearables

The Wander Wearable is a less institutional, waterproof, wearable style device designed exclusively for SaferWalking™. The wristband/tag combination protects wander-prone residents when used in combination with alarms and other security features.

About us

Experienced healthcare professionals, Turun UK Ltd offer a comprehensive range of proven falls & wandering prevention monitors, patient safety products and associated equipment for use in Care Homes, Hospitals and in the Community.

Turun UK have been working in the industry for more than 20 years, helping to reduce the risk of falls and wandering associated with patients with Alzheimer's and Dementia, as well as asset management and staff protection.

Our innovative and easy to use solutions are designed to improve quality, safety, productivity and patient experience, ensuring all safety issues are met. We are confident that we have a solution for you.

Due to the healthcare industries forever changing requirements, your ability to rely on one solution provider is of paramount importance. Turun UK’s high quality products, technical expertise, personal support and logistics infrastructure ensures a unique competitive advantage.

- Easy to Use, - Set-up takes minutes, - Maintenance Free, - No complicated wiring or diagrams, - Battery or Mains power available, While technology is an important part of risk management, we know that on-going customer service, training and support must accompany the technology. That's why we offer a comprehensive program that includes installation, staff training, equipment maintenance and service.

To discuss your requirements with us, book a FREE product demonstration, or would like to arrange a free trial, please call us. Alternatively you can visit our website for further information or to download our product literature.


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