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UHV Design Ltd

UHV Design Ltd Logo 001

Acorn House,
The Broyle,
East Sussex,
BN8 5NN,
United Kingdom

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Rotary Feedthroughs

Rotary Feedthroughs

Our innovative and production-proven MagiDrive range.

This range of vacuum rotary feedthroughs enables rotation to be transferred into a vacuum system via a stiff high-flux magnetic coupling. With no bellows, fluids or dynamic seals, the MagiDrive range offers reliable and leak-tight UHV operation.
Linear Actuators

Linear Actuators

Bellows sealed and magnetically-coupled linear actuators.

Both linear actuators are perfectly designed to address a wide range of applications. These include beamline filters, wire scanners and the adjustment of sputter sources. They’re also used in deposition stages right through to production style applications.
Sample Transfer Arms

Sample Transfer Arms

PowerProbe sample transfer arms are designed to enable the secure transfer of samples within UHV. This is due to the unrivalled strength of their magnetic coupling. In addition to linear and linear/rotary probes, this extensive range includes the Elevating PowerProbe and the Dual-Axis PowerProbe. These are designed to transfer specific industry-standard sample holders using a variety of actuation methods.
Port Aligners

Port Aligners

Port aligners adjust the distance and angular relationship between two flanges. They’re designed for when a fixed flange supports three equally-spaced threaded shafts and another travelling flange has adjustable floating mounts. A typical application would be the final alignment of sample transfer arms.
Sample Parking

Sample Parking

The Sample Parking Stage for flag style sample plates is commonly used in surface analysis instrumentation. With that in mind, it’s been specifically designed to accommodate Omicron, Specs and Aarhus Flag style sample plates. Its intended use is the storage of multiple samples in the UHV analysis chamber or the sample preparation chamber. The Sample Parking Stage is comprised of a carousel plate or multiple carousels (each of which can accommodate 4 flag style sample plates).
Radial Telescopic Transfer Arms

Radial Telescopic Transfer Arms

For preparation and analysis, radial systems require the precise transfer of samples between multiple chambers. This is handled from the central radial distribution chamber and it also uses a high torque magnetically-coupled MagiDrive to provide stiff coupling for radial motion. The innovative Radial Telescopic Transfer Arm (RTTA) offers unrivalled performance over conventional designs at comparable costs.
Wobble Sticks

Wobble Sticks

The UHV Design wobble stick is a slimline modular concept, benefiting from high-power magnetic coupling technology. The coupling eliminates the need for long edge-welded bellows stacks - typically found in conventional wobble stick designs. Crucially, this reduces the risk of leaks - particularly for deposition applications, e.g, MBE. In these applications, particulates or deposition between bellows convolutions can reduce lifetimes or cause immediate failure.

We have a range of Wobble Sticks specifically designed for common VT-SPM systems.
Y, XY, XYZ & XYZT Motion

Y, XY, XYZ & XYZT Motion

Many vacuum applications such as sample transfer, beamline diagnostic positioning and sample positioning for analysis require precise manipulation along Y or XYZ axes.

That’s why UHV Design provides a field-proven range of precise manipulators that can be used in isolation or combined with linear shift mechanisms and magnetically coupled rotary drives. Consequently, this facilitates the build of sophisticated manipulators with up to six axes of independent motion.
Push Pull Devices

Push Pull Devices

Our products are designed for high-duty, high-torque and high-precision, linear-only applications. For high-duty process applications, these magnetically-coupled push pull (MPP) devices are ideally suited. This is because they offer high torque, high axial stiffness and zero thrust due to vacuum. The magnetically-coupled push pull range provides linear and linear/rotary motion solutions with up to 300mm (12") stroke. Strong magnetic coupling eliminates the use of bellows and dynamic seals, which are vulnerable to failure. This ensures the device has a robust long-life design.

For applications where precise multi-positioning is required, our linear bellows drives provide exceptional resolution (two-times better than conventional units), a guaranteed minimum lifetime of 10,000 cycles and the ability to easily motorise in the field.
Analytical Stages

Analytical Stages

Configurable analytical stages offer up to 5 axes of motion and facilitate sample biasing. The device can be heated up to 1200°C and cooled to <30K (typically 25K). What’s more, MultiCentres can be configured to accept most of the common surface analysis sample holders. These include pucks, flags and ESCA stubs.
Deposition Stages

Deposition Stages

The EpiCentre range of deposition stages combines cutting-edge design and innovative engineering technology. This facilitates uniform and durable substrate heating with precise manipulation - all under true UHV conditions.
Heater Modules

Heater Modules

This cost-effective solution uses market-leading, cutting-edge heater technology. Along with complete sample heating solutions like the EpiCentre deposition stages, we also offer a range of individual heater modules. These are ideal for end-users to incorporate into their own heater stage designs.
Viewport Shutters

Viewport Shutters

Our range of viewport shutters and source shutter actuators are based on our MagiDrive magnetically-coupled feedthrough series. However, they also include options to match the required flange size and torque requirements.
Heater Power Supplies

Heater Power Supplies

This compact, single case unit includes a DC power supply (compatible with RHEED techniques) and an integrated Eurotherm temperature controller. Load current information is displayed on the front panel of the case. Along with manual temperature control, the Eurotherm controller also includes a convenient autotuning facility. This characterises the heater module and enables set point temperatures to be maintained automatically and, crucially, achieved in the shortest time possible.
Motion Controllers

Motion Controllers

At UHV Design, we offer 'plug & play' motion controllers for both DC and stepper motors. The DC motor controller offers simple, single-axis remote control of our manipulation products. Alternatively, the Multi-Axis Motor Controller (MASC) provides single and multiple axis control for stepper motorised manipulation products (including analytical & deposition stages).

About us

A leading innovator in high-quality, low maintenance solutions for manipulation and heating/cooling in vacuum.

We value quality, service and collaboration. Working closely with a range of customers from world renowned research institutions and OEMs to small-medium sized businesses and universities.

UHV Design offers compact and sophisticated solutions, from simple single axis manipulators to multi-axis stages offering heating and cooling. We maintain a high standard through in-house control of design, manufacture and testing, as well as excellent after-sales support.

In addition to our standard product line, UHV Design enhances value by working closely with customers to create customised solutions. We excel at adapting and modifying our standard products to suit specific application requirements.


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