Company details for Uniwell Systems UK Ltd

Uniwell Systems UK Ltd

  • 0117 (Display number) 0117 970 5000
Uniwell Building
Greenbank Technology Park
Challenge Way
Blackburn BB1 5US United Kingdom

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About us

In 2002 EPOS was still in its relative infancy but Touch Screen technology was entering the marketplace at speed. It was a very exciting time. 

Qube was founded by Jeff Davies, having already been in the industry since the mid 1980's he wanted to be a big part of the EPOS evolution. 

As expected development of both EPOS hardware and software was huge. New innovation was almost constant. 

Jeff ensured Qube made it their mission to follow the technology 
every single step of the way. 

In 2019, Qube became part of the Microtek Group. Jeff took a step back into a consultancy role and was able to play more golf! Dan (his son) joined the Microtek family and still supports the Qube customers as he has done since joining his father in 2005. 

It has been a great journey and whilst the technology we supply has no doubt changed, our ethics, ethos and what we believe in will always remain just the same. 

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