24 May 2012 | Heskins Ltd
Prevent Pool Side Slips with Heskins Aqua Safe Anti Slip Tape
Rising temperatures brings summer fun, however, extra precaution must be ensured pool side to make sure the summer fun continues all the way through. Heskins aqua safe anti slip tape may be the answer!
Mother nature, as is tradition, has raised the temperature and let the sun smile down on us all ( as long as that continues during the weekends, I’ll be happy ). For those of us fortunate enough to have our own swimming pools and boats, or even looking at big businesses, such as leisure centres, which will expect to see the town or citys populace returning to the cool waters for a splish splash and a good time, safety is something that cannot be ignored, and those who haven’t considered it already could end up with an injury for a family member, friend or visitor, and especially for big businesses, this could result in rather costly consequences.Heskins range of aqua safe, non abrasive anti slip tape is manufactured for areas were bare skin is exposed, such as swimming pools and boats, relying on it’s soft grippy surface to create an anti slip area around hazardous spots, while being comfortable to use. It’s lack of peaks and valleys also make it easy to clean, which is a bonus for high hygiene areas that have slip-prone areas.
Warning signs are not enough in areas to eradicate problems such as slips, going that one step further to prevent slips in potentially dangerous areas for over excited individuals, who sometimes unknowingly, are throwing caution to the wind.