06 June 2012 | Wall to Wall Communications Ltd
Wall to Wall explain how to reduce interference on your two way radio system
Interference on two way radio systems can be common, not to mention annoying. Wall to Wall Communications explain some simple steps to reduce interference or even avoid it. There are many causes of interfence but the following tips usually solve the most common problems encountered.
Change the operating frequency or frequencies;This is probably the easist step but may not be practicable in dense urban areas where there may be a shortage of spare channels. Changing from a Shared Channel to an Exclusive Use channel should help significantly.
Enable channel access selection;
This may be as simple as activating the CTCSS or changing the current CTCSS code. This will result in only hearing the stations using the same code.
Reduce the gain of your base station antenna;
This will reduce the interference from distant stations but check that the revised gain will be sufficiently high enough to ensure good reception from your own system.
Change to a down-fire base station antenna;
This will dramatically reduce the interference from distant stations, e.g. to 100th. Again, check that the revised coverage pattern will remain sufficiently wide enough to ensure adequate reception from your own system.
This method can also be used to increase weak radio coverage directly below an antenna, for example within tall office blocks. It may also result in a significant reduction in your licence fee.
Change to a base station antenna with electrical / mechanical down-tilt;
Adding a down-tilt of, say, 10 degrees may reduce the interference from distant stations whilst perhaps increasing the signals from your own system. However, more interference may occur if the antenna is mounted on a high mast and the amended tilt angle is then directed towards the horizon.
Reduce the height of the base station antenna;
This will reduce the interference from distant stations, but again, check that the revised height will be high enough to ensure sufficient coverage of your own system.
Remove inter-modulation product (IMP) problems;
Inter-modulation products within a receiver can result in the reception of stations that aren’t transmitting on the selected frequency. This can be caused by the transmissions of two strong nearby radio systems mixing in the receiver and causing ghost stations. Changing to an alternative channel is probably the easiest solution, assuming that one is available in your area.
If the above tips do not make a significant difference, or you encounter difficulties trying them out yourself, Wall to Walls'' two Way radio systems team will be happy to discuss your interference problems, identify the issues and recommend suitable solutions.