A Stakeholder Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility

09 August 2012 | Gower Publishing Ltd

A Stakeholder Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility

A Stakeholder Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility provides a comprehensive collection of cutting-edge theories and research that can lead to a more multifaceted understanding of corporate social responsibility in its various forms, the pressures and conflicts that result from these different understandings, and some potential solutions for reconciling them.

According to a recent McKinsey & Co. global survey, 95% of surveyed CEOs believe that ''society has greater expectations than it did five years ago that companies will assume public responsibilities.'' In turn, corporate social responsibility has grown into a global phenomenon that encompasses businesses, consumers, governments, and civil society.

The editors of A Stakeholder Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility, who include marketing guru Philip Kotler, have combined a collection of original applied research contributions that bring together the two important disciplines of stakeholder theory and social responsibility theory.

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