28 September 2012 | Gower Publishing Ltd

A Social Critique of Corporate Reporting

Semiotics and Web-based Integrated Reporting

In the critically acclaimed first edition of A Social Critique of Corporate Reporting, David Crowther examined the perceived dialectic around traditional and environmental corporate reporting to show it to be a false dialectic. In this updated edition the conflict between financial performance representing the needs of investors, and other dimensions of performance representing those of other stakeholders, is re-examined.

Wider issues relating to company and corporate reporting, particularly in light of the growth in web-based reporting are also considered. The analysis in this book makes use of both statistics and semiotics and in so doing develops a semiology of corporate reporting that offers an alternative to research largely based on econometrics and financial analysis.

Order via the Gower website by 31st December 2012 and receive 20% discount − exclusive to Approved Business − quote discount code G11EFG20 when ordering. 

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