03 May 2013 | Environ Skin Care
Skincare pioneer to launch new book at September seminar
Tickets are now on sale for a half-day seminar presented by anti-ageing skincare pioneer Dr Des Fernandes at which he will talk about his first consumer-focused book. He will also reveal innovative new product formulations which will be available in the UK soon.
The morning event, aimed at skincare professionals, is organised by Environ Skin Care distributor iiaa and will take place at the Royal Institute, London W1 on 2nd September 2013. Dr Fernandes will relate his ground-breaking theories on the most effective ways to maintain healthy and radiant skin, based on more than thirty years of research.During his talk he’ll be showing how skin can really be better, not just feel better. According to Dr Fernandes, “Ageing skin is not inevitable, damage can be reversed.”
Dr Fernandes was inspired to begin a lifelong study into the most valuable skincare ingredients and ways to take care of sun-damaged skin after witnessing the death of two young patients from skin cancer. He is widely regarded as one of the world’s leading authorities on the use of vitamin A in skincare and his passion is to educate both the public and professionals about its wide-ranging benefits.
Tickets for the event cost £29.95 + VAT and include a free copy of the new book: Your Skin Factory. To book, call iiaa on 020 8450 2020 or e-mail admin@iiaa.eu.