10 June 2013 | HB Designs
Cycle Parking Demand Increases Provision at Haven Green Cycle Hub
Nick O’Donnell, Assistant Director of Strategic Transport, London Borough of Ealing has been one of many cycling champions who have worked tirelessly to bring the new cycle hub to the commuters and local residents in Haven Green, Ealing.
In 2010 the Ealing Council Strategy objective of creating a new dynamic Cycle Hub opposite Ealing Broadway station, was defined and the wheels to revolutionise the area were set in motion.H-B Designs, The Cycle Hub Specialists were engaged to conceive, design and build the new covered cycle hub. Working closely with the LBE and stakeholder groups such as English Heritage, TFL, Friends of Haven Green, local cycle groups and the Taxi Drivers to mention but a few.
H-B Designs went on to deliver and manage the project through to successful completion in September 2012 increasing parking provision all under cover by 89% due to the installation of ACCP Street, H-B Designs own Advanced Compact Cycle Parking system.
The unique patent pending parking system is designed to provide safe cycle parking via its universal ‘soft dock’ and secure bike parking with a special retractable locking arm suitable for one lock to secure both wheels and frame.
ACCP Street has been developed especially to cope with the rigors of public and amenity applications, providing ergonomic cycle parking for cyclists and their variety of bikes plus a cost effective, low maintenance and long-lived cycle parking system for councils, agencies, public and corporate bodies.
The design of the shelters with their simple elegant shapes sitting neatly beneath the crowns of the established tree line provides clear, unobstructed views to and from Haven Green.
Built using low maintenance, hybrid oiled oak & steel frames and a traditional standing seam roof. The hub has also improved the Ealing Broadway taxi rank and provided an integral new ‘Cabman’s’ shelter, the first to be built in London for nearly a century. Throughout the new hub owners, cyclists, pedestrians benefit from low energy smart illumination and full hub wide CCTV coverage with no blind spots.
As projected by the Biking Borough Report, the demand for cycle parking has exceeded the hubs capacity. To meet the increased requirement an additional uncovered cycle park has been installed on Haven Green adjacent to the covered hub.
With an additional 110 cycle spaces and robust wearing surface through which the grass will grow, this new facility incorporates Haven Cycle Racks. These racks are made from stainless steel satin polished tube and complement the style and materials of the covered hub, providing a cohesive scheme for the area in line with the Mayor of London’s remit for building facilities that positively influence public attitudes to cycling.
Cycle Parking Demand Increases Provision at Haven Green Cycle Hub
There are many unique and important features to this new cycle but of important note is that this London Borough of Ealing Haven Green Cycle Hub is the first of a new generation of long term well planned, funded and implemented sustainable cycle parking Hubs for London cyclists and their own bikes.
Now the hub is finished, pedestrian and cyclist access to from and through the busy junction of Haven Green is safe, pleasant and accessible. Cycle theft in the area has dropped by 32% and pedestrian footfall increased by 20%. The local Halfords report an increase in trade attributed to the success of their banner advertisements within the shelters.
The cycle hub is the winner of the 2012 National Rail Cycle Award and was short listed by the prestigious London Planning Awards for Best Built Community Scale Project 2102, ensuring that this Borough of Ealing’s first cycle hub is a Gold Medal winning performance at a time when cycling has never been so popular or important as a mode of transport in our cities.