21 June 2013 | Gower Publishing Ltd
Corporate Risk and Governance
An End to Mismanagement, Tunnel Vision and Quackery
Alan Waring challenges many hallowed beliefs, attitudes and practices that continue to hamper the delivery of effective Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) and thereby good governance. Those boardroom and corporate cultures that are complacent about risk exposures and risk management or, worse, encourage ‘chancers’ and a ‘what can we get away with’ attitude, are examined in depth along with what is required to embed a culture of responsible risk-taking.Some 75 cases from around the world provide graphic examples and lessons to be learned. Although the text includes some summary practical guidance, Corporate Risk and Governance is designed primarily as a thinking aid rather than a risk management cookbook.
It is something to encourage better informed risk-decision making; a more informed view of enterprise risk exposures, control and mitigation issues and an awareness of boardroom and corporate culture issues and their impact on effective ERM.
Order via the Gower website by 31st December 2013 and receive 20% discount − exclusive to Approved Business − quote discount code G11EFG20 when ordering.