02 July 2013 | Stanbridge Ltd
Break The Chain
Today’s world presents Care and Nursing home operatives with the constant challenge as new infections are discovered, old ones are re-emerging and ones that have been familiar for a long time mutate altering their level of severity.
The need to monitor and evaluate sluice room practise has never been greater.Malpractice in this area leads to inadequate decontamination of re-usable equipment which is frequently associated with outbreaks. All Staff members need to be aware of the implications of decontamination and how to be break the chain of infection.
Cleaning with water and detergent will remove visible contamination but not necessarily destroy harmful micro- organisms.
A Stanbridge bedpan washer/disinfector is a sound option as its programme firstly cleans utensils and then decontaminates with the use of steam breaking any possible chain of infection, thus protecting Residents and Staff members from cross infection and Home Owners from potential law suits.