04 August 2008 | Evac+Chair International Ltd
Big Brands install Innovative Disable Evacuation
M&S, Debenhams and Virgin Active are just a few of the big names who have installed the innovative evacuation chair that allows people suffering from diabilities a quick and safe escape.
The Evac+Chair offers an innovative but simple device for escaping a building in emergency and which requires just one person to transport a mobility impaired individual on the flat or down stairs quickly and safely if a lift is unavailable for use.
Due to a modified V-belt which works continuously to slow descent over stair nosings in proportion to the weight of the passenger, the evacuation chair requires no lifting or great physical strength to control.
Grant Worrall, national health & safety manager for the Virgin Active explained, “ We researched the marketplace regarding evacuating mobility impaired staff and members and found the Evac+Chair to be the best solution for us. The chair is an excellent product and is easy to use and maintain. ”.