Governance of the Petroleum Sector in an Emerging Developing Economy

16 August 2013 | Gower Publishing Ltd

Governance of the Petroleum Sector in an Emerging Developing Economy

Oil exploration in the developing world has been and continues to be a high profile and high risk activity attracting media coverage and stimulating much debate. In Governance of the Petroleum Sector in an Emerging Developing Economy, Professor Kwaku Appiah-Adu has assembled an edited volume that provides insight into critical aspects of this highly sensitive activity.

Oil exploration in the developing world has been and continues to be a high profile and high risk activity, often featured in the media and widely debated. Using the perspective of Ghana and comparisons with countries such as Trinidad and Tobago, and Norway, the contributors, global experts in their respective fields, explore five critical areas and propose strategies for: turning oil and gas wealth into sustainable and equitable development; entrenching transparency and stakeholder engagement; effective management of the oil and gas sector; and for safeguarding security and the environment. Country specific models and lessons for Ghana and other African oil producing nations are offered.

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