03 April 2014 | Labfacility Ltd

Cloud storage and monitoring with Thermocouple Temperature Data Logger

Wireless Thermocouple Temperature Data Logger now comes with Cloud based monitoring and management

WiFi Thermocouple Temperature Data Logging SensorWiFi capability and integrated display The EL-WiFi-TC sensor measures the temperature of the environment in which the probe is situated.

The accuracy of the K type probe supplied is ±1.5˚C. Data is streamed wirelessly over any WiFi network and can be viewed on a PC using the free software package.

Lascar Electronics has gone live with its new FilesThruTheAir™ Cloud service, taking Lascar’s WiFi sensors to a new level, unlocking them from the PC and allowing them to be managed and monitored over the internet from any location in the world.

Communicate with a Lascar WiFi sensor on any smartphone, tablet or PC. Monitor conditions, change sensor settings and receive email alerts instantly.