04 November 2008 | Pearl Scan Solutions Ltd
Legal e-Bible still helping Solicitors
Since Pearl Scan Solutions delivered their Legal e-Bible document management solution, more Commercial and Criminal Law Solicitors across the country have introduced the system into their offices to make their lives much easier.
The Pearl Scan document retrieval solution was created specifically for the commercial, corporate, criminal law and real estate sectors. Solicitors who are already using this invaluable service have been able to efficiently manage their associated documents from a single, easy to use and fully text searchable disk.
By scanning and archiving all necessary case files, records, housing documents and other commercial paperwork, Pearl Scan will digitise all necessary documents and then convert them into one easy to use document retrieval solution. The menus are made extremely user friendly and make it easy for any basic computer minded solicitor to access any documents they require.
Paralegal’s or Legal Assistant’s are heavily involved in the research, compilation and distribution of various documents such as agreements, land registry searches and case files. As multiple copies of documents are often needed by partners, clients and other associates who are involved, the whole process becomes very paper driven, time consuming and costly in terms of postage and faxes.
The Pearl Scan e-Bible has been designed to eliminate the above issues and also offers the added advantages of an electronic transaction bible. All the case related documents are scanned and indexed in a structured way whereby the document references, title and descriptions are added. The documents are converted into fully text searchable files for ease of access and stored on a CD.
The advantages of E-Bible to the Commercial Law sector:
• Powerful Search – having documents in fully text searchable format offers powerful search and cross referencing features, where documents can be searched by keywords or phrases.
• Instant Access - easy and instant access from a disk or a network without moving. Documents can be accessed from the index page or searched by a keyword.
• Remote access – from a laptop or PC either in, or away from the office
• Shared access – E-bible can be shared between partners, associates and users
• Reduced storage space – documents only printed when needed
• Environmentally friendly – save un-necessary printing, post and deliveries of the paper documents
• Faster production of disclosure information
As well as improving the day-to-day running of the office, the e-Bible strengthens the opportunity for firms to increase their client portfolio and market their corporate identity. The E-bible is customised for each client in accordance with the corporate colours, logos, branding, web and e-mail access for key contacts which in return offers professional approach to their clients.
By eliminating the need to search for documents as well as copy, file, print, fax and post them this saves huge costs within the office with the added bonus of being able to find any document within seconds on their desktops.
Pearl Scan also provide the following related services
• Document Scanning
• Data Conversion Services
• Bates Numbering
• Microfilm / Microfiche Scanning
• Books Digitisation
• Drawings / Plans Scanning