Minehead Pillar Clock

19 June 2015 | Good Directions Ltd

Pillar clocks create a real focal point in the street scene

At Good Directions Ltd we manufacture a diverse range of street furniture including our elegant Pillar clock features.

We offer a standard range of two and four sided Pillar clock designs, each available in a choice of size and colour, with a selection of standard dial designs. Each feature is supplied with one of our clock control systems to carry out automated time changes and power failure adjustments.

Our standard designs can be customised with internal illumination, bell chimes, logos, name of town / village or other design features to enhance its appearance. Plaques can also be added to commemorate a date, person or list of donators.

Our Pillar clock features are designed to complement the surrounding street furniture, most of which we can also supply from our standard ranges of street furniture products, including seats, benches, planters, litter bins, bollards and signage.

As standard we work with Cast Iron, mild steel, hardwood and concrete, however we welcome enquiries for individual bespoke designs utilising stainless steel, precious metals, stone, glass and other unusual materials to help you create that stunning one off street scene.

For further information contact: Good Directions Ltd on 01489 797773  www.gooddirections.co.uk