09 December 2008 | Labfacility Ltd

Pipe Surface Thermocouples Arrive

Available directly from Labfacility.co.uk are the new pipe surface thermocouples.

Labfacility, the specialists in temperature and process technology, has released a pipe surface thermocouple range which allows accurate, responsive temperature measurement on pipes ranging from 13mm to 55mm diameter.

The type K thermocouple is housed in a stainless steel disc located within the stainless steel pipe clip; the sensitive grounded measuring junction ensures rapid response to any temperature changes.

Four alternative pipe clips cover the 13 to 55mm range of diameters and screw adjustment allows for precise fitting. All of the assemblies are supplied with 2m of silicone varnished, glassfibre insulated extension lead, 7/0.2mm conductors and stainless steel overbraid. The sensors are rated 350oC.