Heald Ltd Wins Approval For Innovative Security Bollard

19 August 2015 | Heald Ltd

Heald Ltd Wins Approval For Innovative Security Bollard

East Yorkshire firm Heald Ltd has been awarded the UK, European and US patents (note 1) for its HT1-Raptor anti-terrorist security barrier.

The innovative system combines the high security of a roadblocker with the flexibility of a shallow mounted bollard.

Crash tests for Hornsea-based Heald Ltd’s range of Hostile Vehicle Mitigation (HVM) security barriers are so spectacular that videos go viral on YouTube (note 2).

Tested to both PAS68 and ASTM standards, the HT1-Raptor not only halted a 7.5 tonne truck travelling at 80 kph (50mph) but continued to function afterwards. It is the best performing bollard in the world for halting a vehicle quickly with minimal downforce, protecting underground services and structures.

The Raptor can operate as a standalone unit or in a group to secure an opening of virtually any size. It requires an excavation depth of only 500 mm, making for an extremely fast and easy installation.

Integrating well with modern architecture while maintaining an imposing presence, it is ideal for sites where high security is essential but where contemporary style and design are also important.

Company director Debbie Heald commented: “It''s been five years of hard work in securing the patent for this innovative product, the brainchild of our award winning designer Rod Heald, however we''ve managed it!

“It''s a very proud and exciting day for the company. We have recently been awarded three new high profile oversees contracts for the Raptor, this patent will help future-proof our efforts in securing projects in new and exciting markets.”

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact Heald Ltd marketing officers Simon Glover  sglover@heald.uk.com, Ann-Marie Clark aclark@heald.uk.com, or Aimee Solari asolari@heald.uk.com, or tel: 01964 535858.