13 June 2007 | Stannah Lifts Limited

Stannah FX − the versatile passenger lift that saves time and money

Traditionally, fully automatic passenger lifts require a specially constructed lift shaft on an exterior load bearing structural wall − but the Stannah FX is different!

FX simply means a Stannah Lift supplied in its own structure to fit almost anywhere within a building. 6 -8 person lifts, built to EN81-70 specifications are simply supplied in a time and money saving structure that only requires fixing at each floor level.

There is no need for a lifting beam or scaffolding, this is all supplied within the FX structure. The FX can also be installed in existing lift wells, saving time and money on lift modernisation programmes.

In  timber–framed buildings or wherever speed of construction, cost of materials and flexibility of interior layout are crucial – the Stannah FX is the lift that provides the answer.