20 December 2016 | Circa Cambridge Current Affairs
Bill English’s new cabinet in New Zealand
New Zealand’s recently appointed prime minister Bill English announced his cabinet on 18 December 2016, to take office on 20 December.
* = new minister † = changed portfolio† HE the Rt Hon. Bill ENGLISH, Prime Minister; Minister for National Security and Intelligence; responsible for Ministerial Services
† Hon. Paula BENNETT (f), Deputy Prime Minister; State Services; Tourism; Women; Police; Climate Change Issues
† Hon. Steven JOYCE, Finance; Infrastructure
† Hon. Gerry BROWNLEE. Leader of the House; supporting Greater Christchurch Regeneration; Defence; Civil Defence; responsible for the Earthquake Commission
† Hon. Simon BRIDGES, Economic Development; Transport; Communications; Deputy Leader of the House
† Hon. Amy ADAMS (f), Justice; Courts; Social Housing; responsible for Social Investment; responsible for Housing New Zealand Corporation (HNZC)
Hon. Dr Jonathan COLEMAN, Health; Sport and Recreation
Hon. Christopher FINLAYSON QC, Attorney-General; Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations; in charge of the NZ Security Intelligence Service; responsible for the Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB)
† Hon. Michael WOODHOUSE, Immigration; Workplace Relations and Safety; Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC)
† Hon. Anne TOLLEY (f), Social Development; Local Government; Children
Hon. Hekia PARATA (f), Education
† Hon. Nathan GUY, Primary Industries; Racing
Hon. Murray McCULLY, Foreign Affairs
† Hon. Nikki KAYE (f), Youth
Hon. Dr Nick SMITH, Building and Construction; Environment
† Hon. Judith COLLINS (f), Revenue; Energy and Resources; Ethnic
Hon. Todd McCLAY, Trade; State-owned Enterprises
Hon. Maggie BARRY (f), Arts, Culture and Heritage; Conservation;
† Hon. Paul GOLDSMITH, Tertiary Education, Skills and Employment; Regulatory Reform; Science and Innovation
† Hon. Louise UPSTON (f), Corrections
* Hon. Alfred NGARO, Pacific Peoples; Community and Voluntary Sector
Ministers outside the Cabinet
Hon. Nicky WAGNER (f), Customs; Disability Issues
* Hon. Mark MITCHELL, Land Information; Statistics
* Hon. Jacqui DEAN (f), Commerce and Consumer Affairs; Small
* Hon. David BENNETT, Veterans' Affairs; Food Safety Support Party
Hon. Peter DUNNE (United Future), Internal Affairs
Hon. Te Ururoa FLAVELL (Maori Party), Maori Development; Whanau Ora
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