04 May 2017 | Lockerkeys
Are your lockers compatible with the New £1 Coin?
Were you prepared for the new £1 coin that was released in March? Despite the news of its arrival three years ago, lockers, vending machines and trolleys up and down the country are still not prepared.
It's easy to replace your £1 Coin Return Locks from any Locker that won’t accept the new 12 sided £1 Coin.Are your lockers ready for the New £1 Coin? The new £1 coin was released in March 2017, and the old £1 coin is slowly being phased out. By October 2017, the old £1 coin will have been completely replaced, no longer rendered legal tender, and your £1 Coin Return Locks will be rendered unusable.
• Our locks are designed to accept the old round £1 coin and the new 12 sided £1 coin
• You can replace your locks now & no further modification will be needed when current coin goes out of circulation
• Available in Wet and Dry versions − e-mail us for special requirements
• Strong and reliable coin lock
• Simple to install and replace
• Manufactured in the UK to exacting standards
How to Buy;
1. Find the manufacturer's name on the back of your existing locks.
2. Check whether the lockers are located in a Wet Area or Dry Area.
3. Check whether your current locks are Right Hand or Left Hand.
If you are unsure of the manufacturer of your current lock or the version you require please e-mail a photo or visit our website to buy onine.