Automated Fermentation for Brewing

13 June 2017 | HpE Process Ltd

Automated Fermentation for Brewing

Helping Brewers make Good Beer even better!

We are not just a supplier of Pumps, Valves, Tubes, Tank Equipment and Product Recovery Systems. We are passionate about the industries we serve and understand that our customers need more. With over 25 years’ industry experience, we are now working with PL Controls to provide process automation solutions for the brewery industry.

We appreciate that of all the processes in your Brewery, Fermentation is the one that requires constant caretaking over several days. As your business grows this can often become a constant source of disturbance at time during the day or night. Managing this process correctly also has a direct impact on the quality & repeatability of the end product, not always an easy task to delegate.

Automating this part of the process has never been easier or more cost effective, giving all the following benefits:
  • Tight & linear temperature control prevents the oscillating temperate associated with other systems and keeps your yeast working at its best.
  • Remote / Internet access enabling you to see and control fermentation wherever you are, with any smart device that can connect to Internet
  • Automatically record each fermentation cycle and if required add into this record the values from any SG measurements taken (this assumes manual samples and testing)
  • The solution starts with the 8 controlling loops (the number of temperature measuring points) and can be extended to suit specific process or customer requirements.
  • Programming is simple & straight-forward and users benefit from the peace of mind afforded by remote internet support of their systems.
This application is designed to grow with you. You’ll never need to ‘throw away’ and start again. The hardware technology comes to you from Siemens, a global presence in brewing & automation giving Brewers reassurance & confidence that this investment will continue to be supported as their breweries grow.

For more information on Process Automation call +44 (0)113 252 6712 or alternatively email