19 March 2009 | Display Lighting Ltd

Display Lighting showcase the new ‘Sabre HT2 Display’

The highly popular Sabre has joined forces with the widely specified Tubelight LV Pro to create what a new combination in showcase lighting systems.

The Sabre HT2 range is available as 8’000 hour FM Lumilux® T2 Tubes, 50’000 hour Luxeon® LED Spotlights and 30’000 hour 5W Triple High Power LED Spotlights.

Sabre HT2 Display can achieve savings of up to 80% making them a viable economic solution for all areas of display lighting in which miniaturized lighting is an important factor. The range offers high quality object and effect lighting and creates exceptional brilliance with low heat wmissions. Sabre HT2 luminaires offer uniform illumination, lower power consumption and reduced thermal load thus making the system the perfect solution for all cabinets, showcases and retail point of purchase displays.

They are manufactured and supplied in 6W, 8W, 11W & 13W models and multiples thereof and can be supplied to suit showcases up to 1m in height. It is available to fit into showcases and  from 289mm up to 1122mm wide.
The T2 housing gives total control 15° rotation to ensure maximum effect and minimize glare. The LED or Halogen Spotlights have total rotation and tilt for maximum object lighting.