12 March 2018 | Flexicon Europe Ltd
Stand-Alone Dust Collector
A new Stand-alone Dust Collector from Flexicon removes airborne dust from upstream processes, and discharges it into containers positioned below the collection hopper, protecting operators and improving plant hygiene, while eliminating material waste.
The housing is equipped with a 15 mm diameter side inlet port, dual filter cartridges, a 1.5 kW fan motor, a 70 liter collection hopper with flanged slide gate valve and automated controls.
Any upstream process that generates dust can be vented to the system through hard piping or a flexible connection, drawing dust onto dual filter cartridges. At timed intervals, an automatic reverse-pulse filter cleaning system releases short blasts of compressed plant air inside the filters, causing dust build-up on the outer filter surfaces to fall into the hopper. Because the filters are blasted alternately at timed intervals with adjustable force, operation of the dust collection system is both continuous and efficient.
An indicator light on the control panel notifies the operator when the receiving hopper is full. The slide gate at the hopper outlet can be opened manually, allowing collected material to gravity discharge into a container.
The system's stainless steel housing and support structure, together with water-resistant controls and wash-down-duty fan motor, allow rapid cleaning or sanitising of the entire unit between product runs.
Dust collection systems are also offered integral to bulk bag dischargers produced by the company, whose line additionally includes bulk bag conditioners, bulk bag fillers, flexible screw conveyors, tubular cable conveyors, pneumatic conveying systems, drum/box/container tippers, bag dump stations, weigh batching and blending systems, and engineered plant-wide bulk handling systems with automated controls.
For information contact Flexicon Europe Ltd, +44 (0)1227 374710, sales@flexicon.co.uk, www.flexicon.co.uk