30 April 2009 | Environ Skin Care

Environ court action supports professional skincare market

Environ Skin Care has underlined its commitment to professional therapists by issuing proceedings in the High Court in London against rogue web retailer First For Skincare.

The South African manufacturers'' products contain high levels of active ingredients and are thus sold exclusively by authorised stockists following personal consultations.  The company does not allow product sales on the internet, through TV shopping channels or department store counters.
David Alpert, managing director of Wholeview Ltd, Environs'' UK and Ireland distributor comments, "Environ is distinguished by its'' stance as a strictly professional only brand. We take the unauthorised online sale of our products extremely seriously.  It is vital that salons know they can confidently build long term business without the risk of the products appearing in retail or TV outlets. Our stockists give their customers a comprehensive service by providing experience-backed recommendations underpinned by an extensive training programme."
Environ founder, plastic surgeon Dr Des Fernandes, was the first person to introduce vitamin A in high doses in cosmetic creams to help to treat photo-damage, problem skin, pigmentation and scarring at any age. Environ bridges the gap between modern medical science and beauty therapy, and the inclusion of scientifically proven, active ingredients in high enough concentrations ensures effectiveness.

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