07 May 2009 | Evac+Chair International Ltd
Primary Care Trust ensures safe evacuation for all
Evac+Chair International has provided NHS Halton and St Helens’ Primary Care Trust (PCT) with a simple and cost effective means of evacuating all staff and patients from its clinics and health centres in an emergency.
Colette Rowley, corporate services manager for NHS Halton and St Helens, explained “ Several of our clinics / health centres within our PCT have one or two floors where clinical services are delivered to both able bodied as well as disabled patients. Obviously in the event of a fire evacuation the lifts in these buildings cannot be used therefore the need for stairway evacuation chairs was highlighted.”
Evac+Chairs were ordered for Garswood Primary Health Centre, Bevan Way Clinic, Newton Hospital, Fingerpost Healthcare Centre and Halton Independent Living. The chairs are intelligently designed, using continuous rotating v-belts to provide smooth and controlled descent over stair nosings in proportion to passenger weight. This enables a single user to evacuate a mobility impaired person down stairs and out to safety in an emergency.
The Evac+Chairs were not just chosen because of their proven design, the after-sales back up the company offers was also important. Mrs Rowley added, “The fact that Evac+Chair provided a training package as well as servicing, was also key to their specification so that we had peace of mind that we remain compliant with regulations.”
The company’s nationwide ServiCare© inspection and maintenance programme ensures that NHS Halton and St Helens continues to meet the Disability Discrimination Act and the Provision & Use of Work Equipment Regulations (1998). They have also undertaken Evac+Chair’s Key Trainer Masterclass© programme, which enables trainers to cascade the training to others in accordance with Evac+Chair’s approved Code of Practice. This makes it a useful and cost-effective method of sharing information for the multi-site company.