Bio Seals: Securing Our Future

04 November 2019 | JW Products

Bio Seals: Securing Our Future

Plastics are incredibly versatile and have come into mass usage over the last century since.

However, due to such global demand it is thought that there is more than five trillion pieces of plastic in the world’s oceans, some of which can take up to 500 years to break down naturally in the environment.

At the current rate of disposal some experts believe that by 2050, the amount of plastic in the ocean will weigh more than the amount of fish in the ocean.

Alarmingly, one in three sea turtles, and around 90% of seabirds, have eaten plastic and as they are unable to digest it, their stomachs can become full, meaning they don’t have room for actual food. Consequently, this means that 100,000 animals in the sea are killed by plastic every year.

We are keen to do our part in the battle against harmful plastic waste, and this is why we now offer a range of Bio Degradable Plastic Seals to our customers.

The theory behind Bio-Plastics is a simple one and one that is gathering pace; if we make plastics from kinder chemicals it will allow them to break down more quickly and lessen the potential damage that they can cause,

The JW Products Bio-Seal range offers;

• Highly stable during shelf life & service life.
• Does not degrade to fragments after manufacturing.
• Compatible in recycling and nontoxic to the environment.

You can view our range of eco-friendly and bio-degradable seals on our website

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