25 November 2019 | Operator Training Services Ltd

RAMS: Risk Assessments and Method Statements

RAMS: Risk Assessments and Method Statements - these should be used for every job that is carried out on your sites.

Risk Assessments & Method Statements: Introduction: This Toolbox -talk will cover what Risk Assessments and Method Statements mean to you. Main Points: Risk Assessments: Under Regulation 3 of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, every employer and self-employed person has a legal duty to conduct Risk Assessments for their work activities that could result in injury to people or damage to equipment.

Those that employ 5 or more employess should record the significant findings of the Risk Assessment. Method Statements: Method Statements are a written Safe System of Work, to be carried out in a specific sequence, in order to complete the operation in a safe and efficient manner. Risk Assessments and Method Statements are often referred to as RAMS. Discussion Points: Risk Assessments: All employers have a legal duty to prepare Risk Assessments for work activities that could result injury to people or damage to equipment.

Risk Assessments outline the ways in which injury could occur and put in place control measures to eliminate or reduce the level of risk to an acceptable level. Employers with 5 or more employees must have written Risk Assessments.

With less than 5 employees, you must still carry out a Risk Assessment but do not have to write it down. Employers have a legal duty to communicate the findings of the Risk Assessment to operatives who may be affected. Method Statements: Method Statements are a written Safe System of Work, to be carried out in a specific sequence, in order to complete the operation in a safe and efficient manner. Everyone involved in a job for which a Method Statement has been written should read and sign to say that they have done so.

Method Statements look at the hazards present and plan the work so that the risk of an accident is eliminated or reduced to an acceptable level. Most Method Statements include a copy of the Risk Assessment for the same job so that the operatives can read what hazards have been considered and how the risks of the accident have been overcome.