20 July 2009 | Pearl Scan Solutions Ltd

Electronic Training courses - changing the way our society learns

Every industry requires training at some level and ‘E-Learning’ has vastly overtaken the old paper style method in countless different industries.

However, what exactly are the upsides to this radical method change and what does it offer the trainers and the students who are absorbing this material in a different format? Here we look at the comparisons between both methods and how e-learning can benefit industries of any kind.

Paper based training sessions

Carrying stacks of booklets round to each training session is never an enjoyable chore, the heavy weight, last minute, photocopying hoping the right numbers are there and ensuring all of the right material is available for specific sessions. Once the trainer is there they hope that they have all of the material prepared in order for the session. If something is missing or not in organised order then time is already lost. Also the actual thinking involved in planning ahead for a day or two can take up a trainers'' spare time. During the training course a trainer will sometimes need to refer to multiple pieces of material and unless these are carried around in bulky folders then they have to be displayed on a screen of some kind which involves extra setup along with the organisation of documents.

Electronic Training sessions

When using an electronic training programme CD, such as the ETCD produced by  Pearl Scan Solutions, the majority of these worries and inconveniences are already eliminated. There is no need to carry round piles of booklets and documents as all of the material would be already on the CD ready to use. The training programme is divided into different areas such as ‘publications’ for reference to any booklets in electronic format and also an ‘assessment’ domain where the students can take a knowledge test at the end of the session. So no more booklets, test papers and pens to carry around.

The training programme is broken down into sections and each section contains a drop down button which runs through each area the trainer would normally cover during that time slot in keeping with the course timetable which can also be referred to at any point. This does not mean that the trainer must stick to a rigid format as they can always choose which sections to cover at any time but it offers a mapped out succession of subjects to cover with relevant materials attached. The CD would include any media which is also required for a course including videos, PowerPoint slides, MS Word documents, PDFs, audios and much more and so everything you needed for this course can be all included on the same disk.

The comparison in terms of convenience and peace of mind when using such a training CD leaves the paper based method trailing behind. The trainer will cut their preparation time in half, take away the worries of transporting or forgetting materials, have all visual aids ready and available and even if they forget the CD, their course is still available privately online.

But what about the students?

The reaction so far has been very positive with students remembering more material and finding the sessions much more interactive. One student stated ‘watching videos and referring to slides and the on-screen format was much easier to remember than reading it straight from a book’.

This type of training is becoming industry standard for most organisations and arranging to have all material converted into one CD couldn’t be easier. It is one of the latest areas of popularity in document management for organisations.