Increasing workplace diversity and its influence on evacuation planning

17 March 2020 | Evac+Chair International Ltd

Increasing workplace diversity and its influence on evacuation planning

It has been revealed that, in the UK, 7.7 million people of working-age have a disability − representing almost 20% of the entire working-age population.

It’s estimated that around 4.1 million of this number are currently in employment.

This means there are approximately 3.6 million citizens that the UK workforce is missing out on − many of whom could have already have skills and talents which employers value.

Regulations surrounding workplace accessibility for those with a disability are detailed with the Equality Act (2010). This requires employers to make their workplaces uniformly accessible for people of all abilities.

However, as actions are taken to enhance the accessibility of our buildings, appropriate measures to protect the wellbeing of vulnerable occupants in an emergency evacuation situation must be implemented.

With more people with disabilities having access to employment and our workforce becoming increasingly diverse as a result, it’s vital that workplace evacuation policies and procedures are updated to reflect these changes.

Evac+Chair is committed to protecting the safety of building occupants. As a pioneering manufacturer of emergency evacuation equipment and provider of supplementary training programmes, Evac+Chair helps to ensure that the person, or people, responsible in an emergency situation understand how to safely aid the evacuation of vulnerable occupants.

By working collaboratively with various organisations across multiple sectors, Evac+Chair helps employers to adopt evacuation processes that are effective, fit for purpose and ensure the safety of a building and its occupants.

To find out how to keep pace with increasing diversity in the workplace, arrange your free site survey here.