30 July 2009 | MMS Electronics Ltd
3V graphic displays with SPI and touch-screen
A small graphic display is specially developed for low-power hand-held applications. 3V..3.3V supply and SPI interface, ST7565 controller.
MMS Electronics Ltd (MMS-e) has added the new EA Graphic displays DOGL128-6, DOGM128-6 (128x64) and DOGM132-5 (132x32) to the very successful series alphanumeric DOG displays (1x8, 2x16 and 3x16). These displays and optional backlights are specially designed for handheld low power applications and operate from a single +3V..3.3V supply (graphics) and +3V..3.3V or 5V supply for the alphanumeric displays.This system allows displays to be personalised by the combination of 6 various display technologies (STN yellow/green, reflective, STN blue, FSTN positive and negative) with the 5 different backlights (white, blue, amber, yellow/green, red and RGB). Assembly is easy, simply clip the display and the backlight unit together and solder directly into PCB or plug into a 2.54mm pitch socket. Thanks to the chip-on-glass technology the overall height is only 2mm or with the LED backlight the height is still only 5.8mm.
EA DOGL128 size: 68 x 51 mm, EA DOGM128 size: 55 x 46 mm and EA DOGM132-5 size: 55 x 31mm. For touch-screen applications a 4 wire analogue touch-screen is ready available. Modules are standard and available from stock.