19 October 2009 | Evac+Chair International Ltd

Setrvicare® Manager appointed at Evac+Chair

Evac+Chair International has recently appointed Diane Sutton as manager of its ServiCare® inspection and maintenance team.

The appointment comes as demand for the ServiCare® continues to grow, with more and more companies realising that simply purchasing an emergency stairway evacuation chair is no longer adequate to comply with duty of care obligations.

Diane explains;

“According to the Provision of Work Equipment Regulations 1998, servicing of emergency equipment is just as important as its purchase. In the event you have to use an Evac+Chair, you have to be sure that it will be suitable for use and ServiCare® gives you the legal and moral peace of mind that you have done all you can to ensure it will be.”

Retail giant Debenhams is one such company which understands the importance of equipment servicing. It has just had all 160 of its Evac+Chairs serviced through ServiCare®.

Keith Evans, Facilities Manager for Debenhams commented;

“We have Evac+Chairs in 149 sites in the UK and Southern Ireland to ensure equal egress for all. It was important to us to have one point of contact that could manage the whole servicing process for us on a nationwide scale and work to the tight timescale which is necessary in retail.”

Under Dianes'' lead the project ran from June to August and included a visual inspection by a team of ServiCare® engineers, renewel of any wearing parts, testing, as well as recording and reporting.

Keith said;

“The whole ServiCare® process was extremely smooth and Diane was excellent. Customer confidence was built in a very short space of time, and we received email copies of engineer spreadsheets as each service was completed so we were kept informed throughout.”

As a result, Debenhams has now entered into a 12 month rolling contractual service agreement with Evac+Chair International. The company has also changed its procedures on the back of findings from the servicing so that Evac+Chair International now installs all future Evac+Chairs directly so that every one is calibrated to each premises to ensure it is correct from the start.

In conclusion, Keith added;

“We have received excellent support from Evac+Chair International. The ServiCare® process is ideal for large organisations like Debenhams as it makes the whole process as easy for the client as possible.”