11 November 2009 | Evac+Chair International Ltd
Evac+Chairs'' big screen success with Odeon Group
Leading UK cinema chain Odeon has specified Evac+Chair International to provide emergency evacuation chairs to their new cinema complex in Wrexham.
The new build cinema located on the fourth floor level of the Eagles Meadow shopping centre, has been equipped with 7 Evac+Chair evacuation chairs to aid mobility impaired individuals quickly and safely out of the building in the event of an emergency situation.The new cinema houses eight screens containing 1450 seats, with each auditorium having the ability to accommodate six wheelchairs. Evac+Chairs were installed to comply with the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) which affirms that public buildings must provide adequate egress facilities for all persons with impaired mobility when exiting a building.
Commenting on the use of Evac+Chairs, Peter Alderman, Head of Construction for Odeon and UCI said;
“I estimate that we have used Evac+Chairs in up to 18 of our new build cinemas as we have found they meet our needs in respect of our strategy for the evacuation of disabled people from developments built at an upper level, which is increasingly the case.”
The stairway evacuation chairs provided by Evac+Chair provide a lightweight, quick and easy solution for assisting individuals out of a building in an emergency situation. The smooth, controlled operation due to the interface of specially modified V belts, allow one person to transport a person of up to 150kg down stairs or on the flat without the need for lifting or great physical strength.