16 February 2010 | Aircon Direct for Cars

''Ferrari'' air conditioning brought up to date

Aircon Direct for Cars knew exactly what to do to update an air conditioning system ready for installation in a replica of a very rare Ferrari P4 330 as part of a kit car build project.

Ferraris in general are pretty commonplace but with the very rare P4 330 model fetching around £5m, the best chance of owning one is to go for kit car replica.  

The Ferrari P4 330 replica kit was mostly assembled and recently completed at a local race-preparation workshop, however the air conditioning components supplied with the kit were seriously out of date as the car had been prepared for the refrigerant R12 which has been illegal to charge since 2001.

Modifications to the system were necessary to enable use of R134a the current refrigerant. The opportunity was also taken to make other minor amendments to generally improve the existing system. A new suction hose was made up to better fit the engine/chassis configuration. The discharge hose had a more appropriate fitting crimped on. A new receiver drier suitable for R134a was installed and with the addition of a trinary switch and a relay the electrical circuitry for the AC system was modified to improve the efficiency of the aircon system.