04 December 2009 | Witt Gas Techniques Ltd
New Flashback Arrestor from Witt offers 11 bar protection
Witt Gas Techniques, the gas safety, control, mixing and analysis equipment supplier, has launched a new 85-30 Flashback arrestor for use with high hydrogen gas flow rates up to 11 bar, methane gas up to 8 bar and propane up to 5 bar.
This new ‘H’ stainless steel version of the RF85-30N/H-ES flashback arrestor is designed for hydrogen flow rates up to 900m3/hr, (approximately 31778SCFH), offering user protection at 11 bar protecting gas cylinders and gas supply hose outlet points against gas back feeding and flashbacks. Until now 4 bar was considered the technical limit.This new flashback arrestor has an integrated filter to protect against dirt infiltrating the gas supply. With its compact design, (156mm high x 84mm wide), inner thread and capability to be installed in any orientation, this unit can be retrofitted to gas supplies systems with little or no adequate protection, to chemical systems susceptible to corrosion, to laboratory and industrial process engineering systems.
Carl Long, General Manager at Witt UK said;
“We would always recommend gas users to employ the latest technology in flashback arrestors, as not only do they protect the employee, they can place the user at an advantage when it comes to insurance issues. All Witt flashback arrestors are BAM certified. We have introduced this unit to help meet the increasing usage of hydrogen in industry. Approximately 500billion m3 is produced annually around the world. While hydrogen is used primarily in processes for the chemical industry, the huge potential it offers as a future energy source is making companies research possible future applications with a corresponding demand for safety devices.”