10 December 2009 | Wall to Wall Communications Ltd

Wall to Wall advice on hygienic use of radio headsets

Don''t add to the Swine Flu Pandemic through sharing radios. That''s the message from Wall to Wall Communications along with some simple advice on how to help prevent cross infection.

It is common for multiple members of staff within one workforce to be using the same radios one after another. With the current concern about Swine Flu it is important to be aware of the potential risks of using shared equipment. Cold and flu viruses as well as many other pathogens, can stay alive for up to twenty-four hours on hard surfaces.

They can remain alive on soft surfaces for up to twenty minutes. In order to reduce the risk of contracting or spreading Swine Flu, gently wipe clean your handsets and accessories with antibacterial wipes before and after use.

Wall to Wall Communications advise that you do not share any equipment with other users, especially headsets and earpieces. Every attempt should be made to contain this virus and others. For more information and advice contact the National Health Service or another medical professional body.