18 December 2009 | Pearl Scan Solutions Ltd

The Secret to saving thousands of pounds around the office annually

Many organisations today will continue a lot of methods which they have stuck to for the past few years insisting that if it’s not broke then don’t fix it.

Have you ever considered that although it may not be broken it could still be old, inefficient and hindering the companys'' progression without realising?

Document Management is a word the government are now continuously bringing up for many different areas such as ‘carbon footprint’, reducing office costs and bringing businesses up to date. The reason they mention this in the same sentence as this is what document management benefits to a business.

Document management is the management of documents at all levels. Some companies are spending £10,000 per year on box storage without realising! Others are having their admin staff continuously root through dated filing system for documents costing the company 15% of their time! (therefore their salary) without realising.

That does not even include lost documents, the cost of constant printing (mostly unnecessary!), and photocopying, posting and filing units.

By having documents scanned into electronic format whether it is backlogged files or incoming files it will reduce, if not eliminate all of these costs instantly. The NHS already claim to have received a return on investment after just 6 months of their document digitisation exercise, imagine how much more they are saving as the months go by.

Managers are being told to wake up to this fact and help their own office out during this financial climate and become efficiently organised. Most are surprised at how affordable scanning is as a service.