05 January 2024 | Formbar Ltd
Metal/Plastic Trolleys
“Wholesale metal theft of traditional metal wire trolleys is a massive issue for retailers.
I have heard from customers stores having 200+ trolleys delivered on a Monday and none left for the weekend! This is more than the odd trolley in a canal or turned into a student BBQ. Wholesale theft means lines of trolleys loaded into vehicles and driven away.At Formbar we have a huge range of plastic trolleys some which are hybrids and have a metal chassis and some that are all plastic. All are manufactured in Spain by our suppliers Marsanz and Polycart and are very high quality. We have been selling them for quite a few years to convenience stores and garden centres and they have really stood up to demands of customer use.
This year we have seen a big increase in interest and we have received many enquiries and orders from some of the biggest UK retailers. We have different models on trial in different stores and the orders have been placed for 2024. 2023 is ending with a big bang as we get thousands delivered out to Asda stores.
Traditional shopping trolleys are made from zinc-plated steel wire and tube. This means they…
•Are heavy for customers to manoeuvre.
•Are valuable as metal scrap.
•Can cause damage to shop-fittings, particularly glass doors.
•Can twist or bend out of shape.
•Wires in the basket can come loose and cause injury.
•Only offer the handle area for branding.
Plastic Trolleys are...
•Lighter for customers to manoeuvre.
•Have no scrap value.
•Glance off glass doors and shop-fittings without scratching.
•The plastic has memory so bounces back into shape immediately on impact without twisting or breaking.
•Can be manufactured in corporate colours and from recycled plastic materials therefore have an increased brand value.”