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How to run a successful craft business

17 July 2024

Are you looking to set up a small craft business but unsure of what needs doing first? Or have you been making for a while but looking to take a step up?

Don’t worry, although there can seem like there’s a lot to do, a few simple checks will mean that you’re able to make money from your creative touch sooner rather than later.

Are you looking to set up a small craft business but unsure of what needs doing first? Or have you been making for a while but looking to take a step up?

Don’t worry, although there can seem like there’s a lot to do, a few simple checks will mean that you’re able to make money from your creative touch sooner rather than later.

A Brand Helps You Become Recognised
Even if you’re selling crafts using your own name, you should look to ensure that you brand your business as soon as possible. This can be as simple as having a logo created as well as an eye catching ‘on brand’ banner to add to your marketing outlets such as your social media pages or Kraft Space shop profile.

It’s also important that the identity of the brand is promoted as a whole, as this is what will you make stand out among the competition.

Branding the company should also include creating a short tagline for the business, as well as a more in-depth description for any shop fronts and social media pages.

Once people understand your brand, marketing the brand using social media channels helps reinforce the identity, solidifying the brand further.

Example of good brand identity with use of brand logo, consistent branded packaging in a selection of complimenting colours and a banner showcasing the products with flowers which helps to visually reinforce the key USP of the brand which is ‘Skincare products, using all natural ingredients’.

Stick to What You Know
When looking to make some additional sales, it can be tempting to venture outside of your comfort zone and try something more challenging.

Although this is commendable, it could mean that the work becomes overwhelming in the long run, especially if you’re on a learning curve with regards to your new craft.

It’s also likely that offering several different products could cause some confusion with potential buyers.

Marketing one talent ensures that you’re fully confident in the product you’re producing and reinforces as the go-to business for work of a certain nature, regardless of whether you’re a woodworker or glassblower.

There is no reason as to why you can’t add more strings to your bow, but it’s important not to take on too much in the short-term, especially if you’re still finding your feet in the business world.

Research Your Costs
Researching a business is understandably one of the more monotonous aspects of setting up a business, but it’s important that we’re able to make a profit on the crafts we’re producing.

Although a small oversight may not seem too important during the early stages, it could have ramifications later in the business, which could reduce your profit margin.

You may also need to factor in additional cost such as storage and delivery depending on your business model. Knowing what costs you need to contend with means you can put safeguards in place, even during the quieter months.

There is no reason as to why costs can’t be amended, but it’s important that it doesn’t affect the price you charge customers. Although you may need to adjust prices in the future to adjust for inflation, it shouldn’t be because the costings were wrong.

Make Use of Photographs
It’s easy to assume that a simple snap of some crafts is enough to gain traction online, but the truth is that competition is fierce.

As such, it’s important to ensure that we’re taking every opportunity to ensure that your propducts are being presented in the right way.

There isn’t a specific formula for taking photographs, you just need to ensure that your product can be easily identified, shot in good light, without any background objects stealing the limelight. Lighter backgrounds tend to work best for a cleaner look overall however you can try experiment with different backgrounds and props, ones that accentuate your product whether it be your product in action such as your handmade lampshade by a bedside table on or a skincare product surrounded by it’s ingredients.

How to shoot crafty product photos that bag the sale

Setting up a craft business is exciting and allows you to make money doing what you love, and taking some time to focus on the smaller details ensures that you’re able to expand the business in the right way.


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