16 December 2024 | Ether Solutions Ltd
Intelligent Automation vs Artificial Intelligence is like Clever vs Stupid
In 2009, BBC 3 ran a game show called “Clever vs Stupid”. This consisted of stereotypically "Clever" people such as physicists and Rubik cube champions are pitted against stereotypically "Stupid" people such as hairdressers and call centre workers in a series of practical challenges.
OK the show would not be considered appropriate today in terms of PC, Inclusivity and Diversity.So why label “Intelligent Automation” as “Clever” and “Artificial Intelligence” as “Stupid”?
It is worth starting with some definitions.
Dictionary definition of Intelligence:
the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.
Intelligent Automation
The thoughtful application of Automation to business activities. This could be machinery on a factory production line, un-manned machines moving goods in a warehouse, or the most common use of the phrase: the use of software to implement office tasks.
Automation is the replacement of manual work by the activities being performed by something else (i.e. machine or software).
Artificial Intelligence
The AI term has become widely used. At its core it is about statistical analysis of data and the use of probability theory to enable the projection of patterns.
By using lots of data, the statistical analysis can be accurate. By Training the computer algorithms on a set of data, the patterns found can be looked for in any new data presented to the models.
GenAI and LLMs are based on analysis of vast quantities of text, enabling a high degree of probability that generated word sentences are acceptable. It is following word patterns of know text to generate the new text.
What does that mean?
Using these definitions, it starts to become clear, that “Intelligent Automation” is “Clever”. It is the right thing to do to improve a business. Make it more efficient, more productive, etc.
Why is “Artificial Intelligence” not “Clever”?
AI has patterns, the algorithms, the models, or whatever that is particular to the product being used.
In the case of GenAI, consider the impact of nursery rhymes with phrases such as “the cow jumped over the moon”. Each word is valid, the probability that such a combination is acceptable would be low in the context of farming or astronomy. It would be higher in the context of English nursery rhymes.
AI does what it is programmed to do. No more and No less. There is nothing wrong with that, but it cannot reasonable described as “Intelligent”, by the same token it is not “Stupid”. It just is.
Clearly it is Artificial as it is created by software models and not by a person.
What about Machine Learning?
There will be an outcry from some in AI circles, but AI can “Learn” (aka “Machine Learning”).
When AI is used it produces a result. Technically there is always a probability associated with that result, but most AI products do not show that probability value.
The AI does not “Know” if the result delivered is good, average or bad. By creating a feedback loop with a person or some other machine / process grading the result. This additional data can then be used by the AI when processing a similar input to either create a similar result or a different one. Effectively changing the “pattern” that the AI is using.
The use of Machine Learning is about improving the AI patterns. The process is the same.
Does the use of a better pattern mean that AI is intelligent?
What can be achieved with Intelligent Automation?
In the context of office work there are many tasks that can be automated
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is the way that routine business processes undertaken on computer systems can be transformed from manual work to activities that are completed software (aka “Software Robots” or “Bots”).
By combing the RPA functionality AI, a broader range of office activities can be automated.
AI is good at handling text. This makes understanding the intention and request information contain in emails possible.
Similarly, the AI capability to extract data values from a range of documents such as invoices and Purchase Orders, enables RPA processes to work with document centric tasks that are core to some office activities.
The way forward for Clever people
Clever business leaders will implement Automation intelligently and that may include making use of AI as a tool to assist some processes.
Automation might not be a Game Show but it is good for businesses.